
Desert Plain

The desert plain is a flat and wide desert region characterized by grassy vegetation, sparse shrubs and trees, and rocky terrain.

In the vast desert plains, the living conditions are particularly extreme due to the scarcity of water, shade, and shelter, as well as extreme temperature variations between day and night.

The permanent resident animals of the plains have developed highly adaptive abilities to cope with these challenging conditions.


African Wild Dog

Desert Plain

Hebrew Deathstalker Scorpion

Desert Plain

Be'er-Sheva Fringe-fingered Lizard

Desert Plain

Little owl

Desert Plain


Desert Plain

Arabian Oryx

Desert Plain

Dorcas Gazelle

Desert Plain

White-eyed Gull

Desert Plain

Greater Flamingo

Desert Plain

Globby Ibis

Desert Plain


Desert Plain

Fennec Fox

Desert Plain

Desert Locust

Desert Plain

Sand Cat

Desert Plain

Fat Sand Rat

Desert Plain

Egyptian Spiny–tailed Lizard

Desert Plain

Hooded Malpolon

Desert Plain

Sundevall's Jird

Desert Plain

Burton’s Saw-scaled Viper

Desert Plain

Black Stork

Desert Plain

White Stork

Desert Plain

Large Whip Snake

Desert Plain

Interactive stations

Heat - cold

Desert Plain

hear clearly like a fox

Desert Plain

hunt like a wolf pack

Desert Plain

Chase like a cheatah

Desert Plain

For contact and arrival



For thousands of years, humans have lived on the fringes of the wild desert and maintained complex symbiotic relationships with it. Centuries ago, humans began harnessing animals for various purposes such as food, transportation, and agriculture. Other animals have adapted to live in close proximity to human settlements and have adjusted themselves to the changes brought about by human-built environments.

The khan represents this meeting point.


Interactive stations

Camouflage – Boldness

Slither like a snake

Desert Oasis


A desert oasis is a place in the desert where a water source, such as a spring, well, river, or pond, is found.

Due to its uniqueness in the desert climate, the desert oasis serves as a lifeline for a variety of plants and animals that rely on it for water, food, shade, and shelter.

In the desert oasis, permanent residents can be found who depend on the proximity to the water source in order to survive in the desert. Additionally, passing animals seize the opportunity to enjoy the abundance of resources and conditions provided by the oasis.

Interactive stations

Dryness – water

Use your senses like a boar

Play around like a monkey

Lurk like a crocodile

Navigate like a bat

Communicate like a baboon

Desert Plain

Desert Plain

The desert plain is a flat and wide desert region characterized by grassy vegetation, sparse shrubs and trees, and rocky terrain.

In the vast desert plains, the living conditions are particularly extreme due to the scarcity of water, shade, and shelter, as well as extreme temperature variations between day and night.

The permanent resident animals of the plains have developed highly adaptive abilities to cope with these challenging conditions.

Interactive stations

Heat – cold

hear clearly like a fox

hunt like a wolf pack

Chase like a cheatah



Canyons are deep and narrow valleys with steep cliff walls. They are formed through natural processes such as erosion of the ground due to water flow or as a result of tectonic activity.

The towering cliffs of the desert canyon provide shade and protection from heat, as well as a refuge and hiding place. In order to thrive in the canyon, animals have developed a variety of special movement abilities, such as climbing, flying, and crawling.

Interactive stations

sneak up like a lepaord

Glide like a bird of prey

Climb like an ibex



A savannah is an open and flat plain where both dry and rainy seasons occur, and it remains hot throughout the year. The savannah is characterized by slightly more rainfall than in deserts, allowing for a lush growth of grasses and low-lying shrubs.

Savannahs serve as habitats for diverse species of plants and animals worldwide, and in Africa, they are home to some of the largest terrestrial mammals on the planet.

Interactive stations

Many – single

Beat like a giraffe’s heart

Blend in like a zebra

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